About Our Parishes
The Catholic Diocese of Davenport will reflect the Reign of God by growing in faith, hope and charity. As a Eucharistic community, we live out Jesus’ call to go, and make disciples of all nations and to love God and neighbor.
Holy Family
St. Anthony’s
St. Paul the Apostle
Sacred Heart
St. John Vianney
Our Lady of Lourdes
St. Alphonsus
Our Lady of Victory
Davenport Diocese
vision 20/20
Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and with deep faith in the people of God, Bishop Zinkula calls the Diocese of Davenport to a revitalization of our faith and a renewal of grace in the spirit of Pentecost. The time is now for us to move forward and fill every heart and life with the joy of the Gospel through a fresh encounter with Jesus Christ and His Church. Let us rise up and embrace the glorious future for God’s faithful in southeast Iowa. In recent years, we have weathered storms and navigated through some difficult challenges. We believe it is time now to be proactive about the future and be a light to the world. It is time to read the signs of the times as we name our sorrows and our joys, and look ahead toward a bright future of the Church.
– bishop thomas zinkula | diocese of davenport